
Trinity 19 2023 – The Conflict in the Holy Land

The Unpreached Sermon - Trinty 1 2024

After the Vote – Trinity 6 2024

Trinity 10 2024 – Crime & Punishment

Trinity 13 2024 - That Peace Which the World Cannot Give

Sermon for Advent 2005

Sermon for Christmas 2005

Sermon for Epiphany 2006

Sermon Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Wedding Guests)

Sermon on Motives for Mission (Epiphany 4)

Sermon for Lent

Sermon for Easter

Sermon For An Annual Church Meeting

Jesus an Embarrassment - A Sermon for the Sunday After Ascension

Spiritual Healing - A Sermon for Pentecost

Spiritual Completion - A Sermon for Trinity Sunday

American Indian Spirituality

Should Women Be Bishops?

Sermon For Christmas 2006

Sermon for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2007

An Irrelevant God - A Sermon for Quinquagesima 2007

The State We Are In - A Sermon For Lent 2007

Sermon Comfortable Words (Trinity 11)

Sermon Drifting from God (Trinity 12)

Sermon: Life To Die For - Christmas 2007

Holocaust Memorial Day 2008

Duty to God and the Queen

Fertilization & Embryology Bill a Sermon for Easter 2 2008

Christian Witness to a Secular Society - A Sermon For Easter 6 2008

What the Church Believes About the Holy Spirit - a Sermon for Pentecost 2008.

Bishops, Sex and Secularism - a contribution to the debate on homosexuality and unity within the Anglican Communion

Olympic Athletes & Christian Saints A Sermon For St Bartholomew's Day 2008 (24th August)

Worship - A Sermon for Trinity 15 2008

Why Back to Church Sunday? - A Sermon for Trinity 19 2008

Loving Your (Elderly) Neighbour as Yourself - a Sermon for Christ the King 2008

Advent Sunday 2008 - the Word Made Flesh (preached at Holy Trinity Dartford)

Christmas 2008 - A Child's Ignorance of God

Epiphany 2009

Firstfruits - A Sermon for Septuagesima 2009

Caritas - A Sermon for Quinquagesima 2009

Sermon Ash Wednesday 2009

Maundy Thursday 2009 1662 Holy Communion

Tithing – A Sermon for Low Sunday 2009

Pentecost 2009

The Fatherhood of God - Trinity 2 (Fathers' Day) 2009

What Religion Really Means - A Sermon for Before Advent 2009

What Religion Really Means (ii)

Sermon Christmas 2009

Epiphany 2 2010

The Problem of Evil - Epiphany 3 2010

Virtue Ethics Quinquagesima 2010

The Annunciation 2010

Cooperating with the Holy Spirit - A Sermon for the Sunday after Ascension 2010

The World Cup - Trinity 4 2010

Trinity 5 2010 - Sharing the Good News

Being Good is Simple - Trinity 6 2010

Eternal Damnation.

Trendy Vicars - Trinity 10 2010

Trinity 15 2010 - The Integrity of the Church

No Need For God? - Trinity 16

Where Shall We Find Hope? - Trinity 2010 Psalm 121

Sin - A Sermon for the Last Sunday After Trinity 2010

Advent Sunday 2010 - Prepare to Meet Your God

By the Grace of God I am What I am (I Corinthians 15 v10) - Advent 4 2010

Christians a Beleaguered Minority? - Christmas 2010

A Christian Allegory - Christmas 2 2011

The Word of God - Epiphany 1 2011

Order of Service and Address - Funeral of Eileen Rose Knight, 4th February 2011

Accession Service Sermon 2011

I am the LORD Sermon Septuagesima 2011

Funeral Address Rosalind Herbert RIP

Eulogy for Rosalind Herbert RIP

Recreation - a Sermon for Sexagesima 2011

Putting the Church of England Right - A Sermon for Ash Wednesday 2011

The Bread of Life - Lent 1 2011

Women Bishops - Material for Consultation

Wisdom to Govern - Trinity 5 2011

Multiculturalism in Modern Norway and Ancient Persia - Trinity 6 2011

Response to the Riots Trinity 8 2011

Unity in Disagreement - Trinity 12 2011

Trinity 16 2011- Eat Up Your Greens

In the Beginning was the Word - Christmas Midnight 2011

The Moped and the Paraclete - Epiphany 1 2012

Discipleship – Epiphany 2 2012

Epiphany 3 2012 – the Essence of Christian Unity

Easter 3 2012 - Known in the Breaking of Bread

Easter 4 - A Meditation on I John 3.16-24

Censoring the Bible Easter 5 2012

Preaching on the Olympics – Trinity 8 2012

Why I'm An Anglican - Trinity 11 2012

St Bartholomew's Day 2012 - 350th Anniversary BCP

From Whence Come Wars and Fightings Among You? - Trinity 16 2012

Christmas Midnight Mass 2012 - It is Not Good for the Man to be Alone.

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. - Christmas 2012.

A Brief Bible Study - the Transfiguration - Luke 9 28-36 Sermon Quinquagesima 2013

Do You Live to Eat? Ash Wednesday 2013

The Rector's Perspective on the Business Model of the Church

The Guide Promise - Truth to God or Self Trinity 4 2013

Trinity 14 2013- Why Bother With Back to Church Sunday?

Trinity 20 2013 Why Deface the Bible

Trinity 21 2013 - Prayer

Sermon 2nd Sunday Before Advent Typhoon Haiyan

The God of Hope - Advent 2 2013

Gettting Across Advent 3 2013

The Secret of a Good Life - Christmas Midnight 2014

The Mind of Christ – A Study of I Corinthians Chapter 2

Sermon Sexagesima 2014 – Be Ye Therefore Perfect.

Sermon Lent 1 2014 – Knowledge of Good & Evil

Good Friday 2014 Meditations on Hebrews

Access by Faith into this Grace wherein We Stand Lent 3 2014

Passion Sunday 2014

Questions for Trinity Sunday

O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness - Trinity 18 2014

Advent Sunday 2014 Evensong – Reflections on Being Sixty

Christmas Midnight 2014 - The Holy Family

Advent 4 2014 – The Advent Hope and the Christmas Promise

Thoughts on Terrorism – Epiphany 1 2015

A Brief Summary of Bible Teaching on Justification

Trinity 8 2015 – Ephesians as a Summary of the Gospel

Trinity 14 2015 – Refugees

Low Sunday 2016 - Young People Today

Easter 7 (Sunday after Ascension) 2016 Prayer

Trinity 5 2016 – Whither the United Kingdom?

Mary and Martha Trinity 8 2016

Complete in Him – Trinity 9 2016

Just As I Am – Sermon Trinity 10 2016

Trinity 12 2016 - Reconciliation

Trinity 13 2016 What Are We Doing at a Funeral?

Trinity 21 2016 – Wrestling in Prayer

Septuagesima 2017 – “Alleluia cannot always be our song while here below”

For I Know Whom I Have Believed - Sexagesima 2017

Christianity & Literacy an Address for the Rotary Club

Sermon Trinity 6 2017 - The Glory of God

The Lord’s Good Time – Advent 2 2017

The Rector's Shorts

The Fear of the Lord – Sermon for Epiphany 4 / Septuagesima 2018

Feasting on Wisdom – Trinity 12 2018

Pray for Victory?

An Appetite for Advent – Advent 2 2018

Ash Wednesday 2019 Holy & Profane

Epiphany 2 2020 – Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbour

Epiphany 3 2020 – Thou Shalt Not Covet

The 75th Anniversary of VE Day

Plague, Pestilence, and Famine – Lent 2 2020

Mothering Sunday 2020

Passion Sunday 29th March 2020

Palm Sunday 5th April 2020

Easter Day 12th April 2020

Easter 1 / 2 19th April 2020

Easter 2 / 3 26th April 2020

Easter 3 / 4 3rd May 2020

Easter 4 / 5 10th May 2020

Easter 5 / 6 17th May 2020

Ascension Day (21st May) & the Sunday after Ascension (Easter 7) (24th May) 2020

Whitsun / Pentecost 31st May 2020

Trinity Sunday 7th June 2020

Trinity 1 14th June 2020 Questions

Trinity 2 2020 Statues & Images

Dame Vera & the Prophet Jeremiah - Trinity 3 28th June 2020

Trinity 4 5th July 2020 Rest For Our Souls

Trinity 5 – 12th July 2020 What Really Matters In Life

Trinity 6 - 19th July 2020 'Tis Grace hath brought me safe thus far

Trinity 7 2020 – Safe in the Arms of Jesus

Trinity 8 - Our Part in God's Providence

Trinity 9 - A Virtuous Circle

Trinity 10 2020 - Belonging

Trinity 11 2020 You Know It Makes Sense

Trinity 12 2020 - Love Without Dissimulation / Sincere Love

Trinity 13 2020 - “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you.”

Trinity 14 2020 - Great is Thy Faithfulness

Trinity 15 2020 - War & Forgiveness - Who is on the LORD's side?

Trinity 16 2020 - Trust & Obey

Trinity 17 2020 - Good Fruit

Trinity 18 2020 The Lord is my Shepherd

St Luke 2020

Trinity 20 25th October 2020 - Joy in the Lord

All Saints Day 2020 - All in This Together

Remembrance Sunday 2020 Trinity 22 - Be Prepared

Trinity 23 - November 15th 2020 - Hands On God

Christ the King 2020 - Among Those Dark Satanic Mills

Advent Sunday & St Andrew's Day 2020 - Light in the Darkness

Advent 2 2020 - Hope

Advent 3 2020 – Sunday 13th December - God's Faithfulness

Advent 4 2020 (20th December) & S Thomas’s Day (21st) - The Fulfilment of God's Promises

Christmas Day & S John the Evangelist (27th December) 2020 - Light in the Darkness.

Christmas 2 (3rd January 2021) & Epiphany - The Darkness Just Doesn't Get It

Epiphany 1 (10th January 2021) - Knowing & Acting on God's Will

Epiphany 2 2021 (17th January) - A Famine of the Word of the LORD

Epiphany 3 2021 (24th January) - Christian Marriage

Epiphany 4 Septuagesima 2021 (31st January) - Knowing God's Will

Sexgesima 2021 (7th February) - Active and Passive

Quinquagesima 2021 - S Valentine's Day

Ash Wednesday & Lent 1 2021 Wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?

Lent 2 2021 28th February - Faith in Science

Lent 3 2021 7th March – Love and Awe

Lent 4 2021 Mothering Sunday 14th March A Snake on a Pole

Lent 5 Passion Sunday 21st March 2021 - Sin and Its Remedy

Lent 6 Palm Sunday 28th March 2021 - Through the Night of Doubt & Sorrow

Easter 2021 - Reasons for Hope

Easter 1/2 2021 April 11th - One in His Service

Easter 2/3 2021 - Emmanuel

Easter 3/4 2021 Sunday 25th April - Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Easter 4/5 2021 Sunday 2nd May - the Lamb of God

Easter 5/6 2021 9th May - Not as Orphans

Sunday after Ascension – Easter 7 2021 16th May - Life in its Fulness

Whitsun - Pentecost 2021 23rd May Hope

Trinity Sunday 2021 – May 30th Glory

Trinity 1 2021 6th June – Should You Be Christened?

Trinity 2 2021 - 13th June - How God Reveals Himself to Us

Trinity 3 2021 20th June - The Patience of Job

Trinity 4 2021 June 27th - Great is Thy Faithfulness

Trinity 5 2021 - 4th July - Give Thanks for us Ordinary People

Trinity 6 2021 11th July All of God

Trinity 7 2021 July 18th The Meaning of Life

Advent 2 (5th December) 2021 – Child Abuse, the Unforgivable Sin?

The Problem of Evil

A New Year Message 2022

Epiphany 1 2022 – S John the Baptist and the Very Reverend Professor Martyn Percy

Easter 1 / 2 2022 - Life

Easter 3 / 4 - The Extent of God's Love

Trinity 8 2022 - The Cost of Living Crisis

Septuagesima 2023: Truth – Not Objective, Not Subjective

Lent 5 2023 – The Police and the Passion

Easter I 2023 – St Silouan

Trinity 7 2023 Hope

Christian Anti-Semitism - Trinity 11 2023

Trinity 14 2023 - A Christian Country?

Bible Notes Ezekiel (dated July-September 2005)

Bible Notes Romans (dated October-December 2005)

Bible Notes John (dated January-March 2006)

Bible Notes Isaiah (dated April-June 2006)

Bible Notes Matthew and Isaiah (dated July-September 2006)

Bible Notes James (dated October - December 2006)

Bible Notes Psalms 1-90 (dated January-March 2007)

Bible Notes, Bible Stories (dated April - June 2007)

Bible Notes Ephesians (dated July - September 2007)

Bible Notes Matthew (dated October - December 2007)

Bible Notes I & II Chronicles (dated January - March 2008)

Bible Notes I & II Timothy (dated April-June 2008)

Bible Notes Ezra, Nehemiah and the Rest of II Timothy (dated July-September 2008)

Bible Notes Acts (dated October - December 2008)

Bible Notes Acts II & More Psalms (dated January March 2009)

Bible notes on Wisdom (dated April - June 2009)

Bible Notes on John (dated July - September 2009)

Bible Notes on Colossians, Ephesians & Philippians (dated October - December 2009)

Bible Notes on Jeremiah (dated January - March 2010)

Bible Notes on St Mark (dated April - June 2010)

Bible Notes on Hebrews (dated July - September 2010)

Bible Notes I Samuel (dated October - December 2010)

Bible Notes Women in the Bible (dated January-March 2011)

Bible Notes Children and Young People in the Bible (dated April-June 2011)

Bible Notes Ephesians (dated July-September 2011)

Bible Notes Leviticus - Christmas (dated October-December 2011)

Bible Notes New Beginning Acts 1-8 (dated January-March 2012)

Bible Notes The End of All Things Revelation (dated April-June 2012)

Bible Notes Zephaniah, Philippians & Haggai (dated July-September 2012)

Bible Notes In The Beginning Genesis & John (dated October-December 2012)

Bible Notes A Study in Ecclesiastes (dated January - March 2013)

Bible Notes the Gospel According to Saint Matthew (dated April - June 2013)

Bible Notes the Gospel According to Saint Matthew Continued (dated July-September 2013)

Bible Notes I&II Thessalonians (dated October-December 2013)

Bible Notes Genesis 1-5 (dated January-March 2014)

Bible Notes I Kings (dated April-June 2014)

Bible Notes I Peter 1-3 (dated July-September 2014)

Bible Notes I Am the LORD - dated October -December 2014

Bible Notes Hebrews - dated January-March 2015

Bible Notes Proverbs - dated April-June 2015

Bible Notes The People of God - dated July-September 2015

Bible Notes The Epistle to the Galatians - dated October-December 2015

Bible Notes The Wilderness Years (Exodus-Deuteronomy) - dated January-March 2016

Bible Notes on John's Letters and Worship in Revelation - dated April-June 2016

Bible Notes The Eternal Son - dated July - September 2016

BIble Notes The Eternal Spirit - dated October-December 2016

Bible Notes The Pastoral Epistles dated January-March 2017

Bible Notes Basic Bible Stories Genesis 11-43 dated April-June 2017

Bible Notes Psalms 91-150 dated July-September 2017

Bible Notes The Gospel According to St Matthew - dated October-December 2017

Bible Notes I Corinthians - dated January-March 2018

Bible Notes Isaiah the Fifth Gospel - dated April-June 2018

Christian Belief - Bible Notes on the Nicene Creed dated July-September 2018

Bible Notes The Epistle to the Romans - dated ) October-December 2018

Bible Notes The Gospel According to St Mark (dated January-March 2019)

Bible Notes Mark Continued Plus Daniel (dated April-June 2019)

Bible Notes Samuel (dated July-September 2019)

Bible Notes Samuel Continued (dated October-December 2019)

Bible Notes St John's Gospel (dated January-March 2020)

Bible Notes St John's Gospel (dated April-June 2020)

Bible Notes St John's Gospel (dated July-September 2020)

Bible Notes Revelation & I John (dated October-December 2020)

Bible Notes Acts (dated January-March 2021)

Bible Notes Acts & the Adventures of David (dated April -June 2021)

Bible Notes Further Adventures of David (dated July - September 2021)

Bible Notes The Gospel According to St Luke (dated October-December 2021)

Bible Notes The Gospel According to St Luke (continued) (dated January-March 2022)

Bible Notes The Gospel According to St Luke (continued) (dated April-June 2022)

Bible Notes  But Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? Proverbs (dated July-September 2022)

Bible Notes "Thy Word is Truth" (dated October-December 2022)

Bible Notes II Corithians (dated January-March 2023)

Bible Notes Our Origins Studies in the Book of Genesis (dated April - June 2023)

Bible Notes Genesis Continued (dated July-September 2023)

Bible Notes I Corinthians Chapters 1-11 (dated October-December 2023)

Bible Notes I Corinthians 12-16 (dated January-March 2024)

Bible Notes the Gospel According to St Matthew (dated April-June 2024)

Bible Notes the Gospel According to St Matthew Continued (dated July-Sept 2024

Bible Notes the Gospel According to St Matthew Further & Advent (dated October-December 2024)

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