Parish Safeguarding Officer
Laura MacDonald
97, Pilgrims Road,
Upper Halling,
01634  245926


If anyone is interested in being confirmed, please let me know.  There will be a preparation course.   The commitment is actually the same as Baptism. So, if you have been baptized and are prepared to affirm the promises made for you at your christening, there is no reason why you should not be confirmed and every reason why you should.  Confirmation candidates might well profit by attending the Alpha Course, but it is not necessary to do so.  Given that I shall probably be leaving at the end of next year, if you’d like me to prepare you for confirmation, don’t leave it too long. It’s something I’d love to do for you.  Candidates are not usually admitted younger than twelve, but there is no upper age limit.

Services April 2024

7th April Easter 1 / Easter 2

9.30 Holy Communion  Cuxton

11.00 Holy Communion Halling

Exodus 14 vv 10-31 & 15 vv 20&21 p71

Acts 4 vv 32-35 p1096

John 20 vv 19-31 p1089


8th April The Annunciation Transferred

11.00 Holy Communion Halling (followed by lunch)

Isaiah 7 vv  10-16 KJV

Luke 1 vv 26—38 KJV

14th April Easter 2 / 3

9.30 Holy Communion  Cuxton

11.00 Holy Communion Halling

Zephaniah 3 vv 14-20 p947

Acts 3 vv 11-19 p1095

Luke 24 vv 36-48 p1062


21st April Easter 3 / 4

9.30 Holy Communion  Cuxton

11.00 Holy Communion Halling

Genesis 7 vv 1-5 & 11-18 p8

Genesis 8 vv 6-18 p9

Genesis 9 vv 8-13 p10

Acts 4 vv 5-12 p1095

John 10 vv 11-18  p1076

28th April Easter 4 / 5

9.30 Holy Communion  Cuxton

11.00 Holy Communion Halling

Genesis 22vv 1-18 p22

Acts 8 vv 26-40 1101

John 15 vv 1-8 p1083

Holy Communion Wednesdays 9.30 @ Cuxton

Holy Communion Thursdays 9.30 at Halling

3rd April

Acts 3 vv 1-10

Luke 24 vv 13-35

4th April

Acts 3 vv 11-26

Luke 24 vv 35-48

10th April

Acts 5 vv 17-26

John 3 vv 16-21

11th April

Acts 5 vv 27-33

John 3 vv 31-36

17th April

Acts 8 vv 1-8

John 6 vv 35-40

18th April

Acts 8 vv 26-40

John 6 vv 44-51

24th April

Acts 12 v24 – 13 v5

John 12 vv 44-50

25th April

St Mark

Ephesians 4 vv 7-16

John 15 vv 1-11

1st May

St Philip & St James

James 1 v 1-12

John 14 vv 1-14

2nd May

S Athanasius

Acts 15 vv 7-21

John 15  vv 9-11

Services May 202

5th May Easter 5 / 6

9.30 Holy Communion  Cuxton

11.00 Holy Communion Halling

Isaiah 55 vv 1-11 p742

Acts 10 vv 44-48 p1108

John 15 vv 9-17 p1083

9th May

Ascension Day

9.30 Holy Communion


Acts 1 vv 1-11 p1092

Mark 16 vv 14-20 p1024

12th May Sunday after Ascension / Easter 7

9.30 Holy Communion  Cuxton

11.00 Holy Communion Halling

Daniel 3 vv 1-30 p886

I Peter 4 vv 7-11 p1220

John 15 v26 – 16 v4p1083

19th May Whitsunday Pentecost

9.30 Holy Communion  Cuxton

11.00 Holy Communion Halling

Ezekiel 37 vv 1-14 p868

Acts 2 vv 1-21 p1093

John 14 v 15-31 p1082

26th May Trinity Sunday

9.30 Holy Communion  Cuxton

11.00 Holy Communion Halling

Isaiah 6 vv 1-8 p690

Romans 8 vv 12-17 p1134

John 3 vv 1-17 p1065

Holy Communion Cuxton Wednesdays 9.30 am

Holy Communion Halling Thursdays 9.30 am

1st May

St Philip & St James

James 1 v 1-12

John 14 vv 1-14

2nd May

S Athanasius

Acts 15 vv 7-21

John 15  vv 9-11

8th May

Rogation Day

Acts 17 v15 – 18 v8

John 16 vv 12-19

9th May

Ascension Day

Acts 1 vv 1-11

Mark 16 vv 14-20

15th May

Acts 20 vv  28-38

John 17 vv 11-19

16th May

Acts 22 v30 – 23 v11

John 17 vv 20 - 26

22nd May

Acts 5 vv 12-16

John 6 vv 44-51

23rd May

Acts 8 vv 5-8

Luke 9 vv 1-6

30th May

James 1 vv 19-27

Mark 8 vv 22-26

31st May

I Corinthians 11 vv 23-29

John 6 vv 53-58